Sustainability Policy
We’re committed to the goal of being a carbon neutral business.
In the Office:
Use a green energy supplier (current provider Green Energy UK – on 100% renewable energy plan).
Source from local suppliers where possible.
Keep a glass bottle of chilled water in the fridge.
Purchase Fair Trade and/or organic beverages.
Use cleaning products which are powered by plants and 100% biodegradable.
Ensure all equipment is switched off when not in use and the most energy efficient products are purchased as required.
Check for useful end of use alternatives for redundant items, with breakdown and recycle the final option.
Use electronic instead of paper-based communication wherever possible and if not aim to print double sided.
Use only reusable utensils, plates and cups. Use the reverse side of printouts for notepaper and upcycle packaging and envelopes with a fresh label.
byen is based in B&NES which has excellent recycling facilities ensuring the majority of our waste is easily recycled.
Out of the Office:
Avoid physically travelling to meetings etc. where alternatives are available and practical. (i.e. web conferencing platforms) and ensure efficient timings of meetings to avoid multiple trips.
All short distance business travel is done by walking or cycling. Public transport is used for all other journeys where practically possible.
Any deliveries within central Bath will use a bicycle service (Three Bags Full).
Never stop trying to do better:
Review all new and existing Suppliers with the aim to only use those with high environmental and ethical standards.
Review our energy consumption at least annually, by calculating our carbon footprint and purchase gold standard carbon offset products to cover energy used.
Review our sustainability policy annually to ensure we are using the best practices and products available and continue to strive to do better.